

couldn't make time for painting today

Red apple and gingerCassis and walnut. Pound cake made by me‍ I ’m serious about the impulses in front of me. That which was satisfied today becomes tomorrow's provisions. and I was interested in several books today. The thing is to find a…

I like making sweets with seasonal food!

Aurora pear 秋の果物、オーロラ梨に出逢いました わたしは一目惚れして… Autumn fruits I met aurora pear I'm drowning at a glance ... Pear and lemon card オーロラ梨とレモンカード ふたりはお互いを引き立て合って Aurora pear and lemon card We can…

am currently making paintings and objects. However, I got a little stuck. So I decided to make sweets and eat them. 私はいま 絵を描き、オブジェクトを制作中。しかし、私は少し立ち往生…なので甘いお菓子を作って食べることにしました^^

夕べの 野ざらしの気持ちは 山を越え 谷を抜け 街を横切り 香りに、引き寄せられる それは優しさ それは引力 答えさえも忘れる 甘いさざ波 一口の愛しみ Evening The feeling of wildness To cross a mountain Through the valley Across the city Attracted…