
I love kids and honest smile

f:id:cissapossa2018:20191103101126j:imageTransform into a cup!


This is a photo I processed from Takeyoshi Tanuma's photo collection.





f:id:cissapossa2018:20191103101446j:imageLearning fun math with handmade teaching materials!





f:id:cissapossa2018:20191103101613j:imageVery happy with new toys!




Joy with the child, trouble and sadness with the child.

Our relationship is connected and goes on.

The world of children is profound, and it is as beautiful as the mystery of the universe has yet to be fully elucidated.




f:id:cissapossa2018:20191103101102j:imageBetween classes and during breaks.




Even though humans grow up, they have children's playfulness.



🌸Good luck ❣️🌸